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EMT Articles – EN (59)
RSSBy Oliver Czulo, full professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology, Leipzig University
- Language
- English
- German
- EMT Category
- Translation technology
By Michela Carbone and Caterina Hrymnak, students at IUSLIT, University of Trieste, Master Programme in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting (a.y. 2023-2024)
- Language
- English
- Italian
- EMT Category
- Professional experience/employability
By Giulia Bilotti and Vuk Mišić, students at IUSLIT, University of Trieste, Master Programme in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting (a.y. 2023-2024)
- Language
- English
- Italian
- EMT Category
- Translation issues
By Laura Ceccarelli and Cristina Gaudio, students at IUSLIT, University of Trieste, Master Programme in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting (a.y. 2023-2024)
- Language
- English
- Italian
By Lola-Jane Sanchez, student at the Université Grenoble Alpes, Master Langues étrangères appliquées
- Language
- English
- EMT Category
- Translation competences
By Bianca Banica, student at the Université Grenoble Alpes, Master Langues étrangères appliquées
- Language
- English
- Romanian
- EMT Category
- Activities of the EMT network
By Sandra Castelló Gil, student of the Master in Translation and Intercultural Mediation, University of Salamanca, Spain
- Language
- English
- EMT Category
- Professional experience/employability
- Translation competences
By Dr. Enikő BENEDEK, Lecturer and Translation Technologist Course Leader, Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Translation and Interpreting
- Language
- English
- Hungarian
- EMT Category
- Pedagogical initiatives
Laura Tallone, translation trainer at the Master’s Programme in Specialised Translation and Interpreting (ISCAP, Porto Polytechnic, Portugal)
- Language
- English
- Italian
- EMT Category
- Translation technology
By Parthena Charalampidou, Laboratory Teaching Fellow of Localisation and Multimodal Translation and teaching Translation at the Joint Postgraduate Studies Program “Conference Interpreting and Translation”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)
- Language
- English
- EMT Category
- Activities of the EMT network
- Pedagogical initiatives
By Colin Puylaert & Perrine Girboux (UCLouvain)
- Language
- English
- French
- EMT Category
- Pedagogical initiatives
By Hannele Raerinne, Sanna Valkama and Maisa Vuoristo, students in the Multilingual Translation Studies MA Degree Programme at the University of Turku who took the Multilingual Translation Workshop courses in 2020. The text was translated into English in the Multilingual Translation Workshop courses in 2022
- Language
- English
- Finnish
- EMT Category
- Pedagogical initiatives
By Krzysztof Łoboda, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
- Language
- English
- Italian
- EMT Category
- Pedagogical initiatives
- Translation competences
Pascaline Merten, Professor, Head of the ULB School of Translation and Interpreting and Sonja Janssens, PhD, researcher, Lecturer in Translation Studies at the ULB School of Translation and Interpreting
- Language
- English
- French
- Dutch
- EMT Category
- Pedagogical initiatives
- Translation competences
- Translation technology
By Gabriela Flis and Tomas Senda, Applied Linguistics, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw
- Language
- Dutch
- English
- Spanish
- EMT Category
- Activities of the EMT network
By Laura Tallone, translation trainer at the Master’s Programme in Specialised Translation and Interpreting (ISCAP, Porto Polytechnic, Portugal)
- Language
- Dutch
- English
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- EMT Category
- Pedagogical initiatives
By Reelika Saar, Junior Lecturer, University of Tartu, Master’s in Translation Studies
- Language
- English
- EMT Category
- Professional experience/employability
- Translation technology
By Estefanía Muñoz Gómez (MA in Translation Studies Programme Director, University College Cork) and Clara Ministral (Literary translator and Literature Ireland/SLLC Translator in Residence 21/22)
- Language
- English
- German
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- EMT Category
- Pedagogical initiatives
By Dr Joss Moorkens, Dublin City University, School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies.
- Language
- Dutch
- English
- Italian
- Lithuanian
- EMT Category
- Translation technology
By Lilian FAEDI and Ismaël GARIN, students of UFR Arts, Lettres et Langues Metz – Université de Lorraine, supervised by Jean-Christophe Helary, their internship supervisor, translator, and member of the OmegaT development team
- Language
- English
- French
- Italian
- EMT Category
- Translation technology