Welcome to the blog of the European Master’s in Translation (EMT) network of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation (DGT). This network of Master’s programmes aims to improve the quality of translator training in order to enhance the labour market integration of young language professionals. The EMT competence framework is at the core of the project. It defines the basic competences that translators need to work successfully in today’s market. By cooperating closely with the language industry the EMT network ensures that academic translator training meets the real needs of the profession.
The aim of the blog is to give an insight into the training for a profession that is rather little known to the public. It complements the #DiscoverTranslation campaign of the DGT.
On this blog you will find contributions relating to the translation profession. These are written by professors, trainers, students and graduates participating in programmes that are part of the network. You will also find guest contributions by language industry experts. The Blog posts are written in one of the 24 official languages of the European Union, along with a translation in English.
The topics discussed are related to the translation profession as practiced and taught today all over Europe.
Each blog post belongs to a specific category:
Activities of the EMT network: meetings, events, network collaborations.
Professional experience/employability: what kind(s) of professional experience is available and valuable for trainees? What happens to students once they have graduated?
Pedagogical initiatives: how are the different career paths within the translation profession taught today?
Translation technology: what tools are best for work in the language services sector and for student training?
Translation competences: what competences are required on the translation market? How to teach them?
Translation issues: discussion on translation strategies, choices, quality…
Check out the articles published in the language of your choice:
BG – DE – EL – EN – ES – FI – FR – HU – IT – LT – LV – NL – PT – RO
EMT Blog latest articles

By Oliver Czulo, full professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology, Leipzig University
- Nyelv
- English
- German
- EMT-kategória
- Translation technology

Di Michela Carbone e Caterina Hrymnak, studentesse del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Traduzione Specialistica e Interpretazione di Conferenza (a.a. 2023-2024), IUSLIT, Università di Trieste
- Nyelv
- inglese
- italiano
- EMT-kategória
- Esperienza lavorativa/occupabilità

Di Giulia Bilotti e Vuk Mišić, studenti del corso di Corso di Laurea magistrale in Traduzione Specialistica e Interpretazione di Conferenza (a.a. 2023-2024), IUSLIT, Università di Trieste
- Nyelv
- inglese
- italiano
- EMT-kategória
- Problemi della traduzione

Di Laura Ceccarelli e Cristina Gaudio, studentesse del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Traduzione Specialistica e Interpretazione di Conferenza (a.a. 2023-2024), IUSLIT, Università di Trieste
- Nyelv
- inglese
- italiano
- EMT-kategória
- Esperienza lavorativa/occupabilità