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Dies ist die Seite mit allen Artikeln, die verknüpft sind mit der Kategorie Übersetzungskompetenzen: welche Kompetenzen sind heutzutage auf dem Markt gefordert? Wie werden sie vermittelt?

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Übersetzungskompetenzen (14)

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Picture of the University of Grenoble Alpes with the title 'Olive in Provence' in the foreground
  • News article

By Lola-Jane Sanchez, student at the Université Grenoble Alpes, Master Langues étrangères appliquées

  • Lesedauer: 11 Min
  • English
  • Translation competences
Picture of student Sandra Castelló Gil at the Translating Europe Forum
  • News article

By Sandra Castelló Gil, student of the Master in Translation and Intercultural Mediation, University of Salamanca, Spain

  • Lesedauer: 8 Min
  • English
  • Professional experience/employability
  • Translation competences
Veins of a yellow dead tree leaf
  • Article d’actualité

Pascaline Merten, chargée de cours, Présidente de l’École de Traduction et Interprétation de l’ULB et Sonja Janssens, Docteure, chercheuse, titulaire du cours d’Histoire et Théories de la Traduction

  • Lesedauer: 5 Min
  • anglais
  • français
  • néerlandais
  • Initiatives pédagogiques
  • Compétences en traduction
  • Technologies de la traduction
Logo of the company IN.TRA
  • Articolo

Di Gaia Ballerini, responsabile del progetto IN.TRA, Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione (DIT), Università di Bologna e Caterina Genovese, Alessandra Turato e Annachiara Zabotto, studentesse del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Specialized Translation (DIT) e co-founder di IN.TRA

  • Lesedauer: 16 Min
  • francese
  • inglese
  • italiano
  • Iniziative pedagogiche
  • Esperienza lavorativa/occupabilità
  • Competenze di traduzione
Sofia University Library
  • News article

By Maria Todorova, Translation Trainer, Sofia University – MA in Translation

  • Lesedauer: 5 Min
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • Translation competences
Earth globe held by two hands
  • News article

Daniel Linder (Programme Director, 2017-2021), M. Rosario Martín Ruano (Programme Director, 2010-2016 and from October 2021), María Cantarero Muñoz and Margarita Savchenkova (former students), Master’s Programme in Translation and Intercultural Mediation, University of Salamanca, Spain

  • Lesedauer: 21 Min
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • Translation competences
Video game joystick on desk
  • News article

By Loïc de Faria Pires, Ph.D., associate professor in charge of translation technology, dubbing and subtitling classes, University of Mons (FTI-EII)

  • Lesedauer: 10 Min
  • Bulgarian
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Activities of the EMT network
  • Translation competences
Robotrad poster de la conférence
  • Article d’actualité

Jean-Yves Bassole, dr.Phil. dr.Litt., Directeur de l’Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interprètes et de Relations Internationales (ITIRI), Faculté des Langues, Université de Strasbourg, France

  • Lesedauer: 15 Min
  • anglais
  • français
  • néerlandais
  • Compétences en traduction
IATE logo
  • News article

By Elpida Loupaki, Assistant Professor of Descriptive Translation Studies and Terminology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR), teaching Terminology at the Joint Postgraduate Studies Program “Conference Interpreting and Translation”

  • Lesedauer: 3 Min
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Latvian
  • Translation competences
Symbols of social media on keys of a keyboard
  • News article

By Pr Rudy Loock, Université de Lille (France), Traduction spécialisée multilingue (TSM) master’s programme

  • Lesedauer: 7 Min
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • Latvian
  • Translation competences