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EMT Blog

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Najnowsze artykuły na blogu EMT

Back head of a transaltor in front of his screen
  • Articolo

Di Laura Ceccarelli e Cristina Gaudio, studentesse del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Traduzione Specialistica e Interpretazione di Conferenza (a.a. 2023-2024), IUSLIT, Università di Trieste

  • Czas na przeczytanie: 4 min
  • inglese
  • italiano
Kategoria EMT
  • Esperienza lavorativa/occupabilità
Picture of the University of Grenoble Alpes with the title 'Olive in Provence' in the foreground
  • News article

By Lola-Jane Sanchez, student at the Université Grenoble Alpes, Master Langues étrangères appliquées

  • Czas na przeczytanie: 11 min
  • English
Kategoria EMT
  • Translation competences